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IEEE:     VHF UHF bands
NATO:     A B bands

VHF UHF Antenna spectrum

VHF UHF Antennas are very popular for Line of Sight (LOS) communications. Such comms include television, mobile radio (LMR, SMR), walkie-talkies, military satcom, aviation, amateur radio, etc. Within this spectrum, waves propagate mostly in straight lines with a low loss, as the wavelength is short enough that the wavefront is not significantly attenuated by its groundwave component, while at the same time, it is long enough to interact with atmospheric bulk properties and plasma, allowing signals to propagate beyond the horizon, oftentimes well beyond the same.

Within the present spectrum, a number of dual-band antennas are listed, one covering the a VHF frequency and the other, a UHF band, permitting the user to operate two bands within a single aerial. Also, Military Satcom and remote control radios operate at the transition between VHF and UHF.

Perhaps the most popular of all services within this region of the radio spectrum is Television. Traditionally, it ranged from 50 MHz (channel 2) to 216 MHz (channel 13) at VHF, and from 470 MHz (channel 14) to 806 MHz (channel 69) at UHF. With the introduction of spectrally efficient Digital TV, the Television spectrum is being reallocated to other services, with most HDTV channels now residing only within UHF.

Products 1-12 of 65
Composite of 2 NOAA-18 passes, Tropical Storm Cristobal, June 8, 2020 - Courtesy of M Penkas (WA8EBM)
Price: $489.25
Availability: Approx 3-4 Weeks

    VHF APT Satellite Weather Kit To make the reception of satellite weather images more accessible, and in response to requests received, we are offering this discounted Weather Satellite kit. It contains the components needed to receive satellite weather images on Windows desktop computers. For Macbook users, follow this guide by Justin Karimi. The kit includes the following items: UC-1374-531R, +4 dBic Quadrifilar Helix Antenna, for its details click on this link: UC-1374-531R antenna page,...

     Aircraft Band or Airband Antenna
    Price: $233.25
    Availability: approx. 3-4 weeks
    Item #: VL-1220-496 -

      VL-1220-496 Data Aircraft Band Antenna description Model VL-1220-496 is a small, Low Profile VHF Aircraft Band Antenna. It covers the entire Civil Aviation Band of 118-136 MHz (General Aviation). No tuning is required to adjust to a particular frequency within this range: just change the radio's frequency and you are ready to go. . . This Airband Antenna was designed for airport ground operations vehicles, where height restrictions exist: for example, traversing under aircraft wings. Measuring...

      UC-3404-381ARF-M5 MUOS Antenna/X-Wing on High Gain/Angle Mount, Black (default) Color
      Price: $505.24
      Availability: Approx 3-4 Weeks
      Item #: UC-3404-381 -

        Leadtime: Stock to 4 weeks ARO UC-3404-381 MUOS Antenna UHF MUOS X-Wing Description UHF MUOS Antenna model UC-3404-381 is a lightweight Turnstile/X-Wing radiating element tuned for MUOS Satellite operation. The polarization of this antenna is normally Right Hand Circular (RHCP), intended for new waveform (WCDMA) communications via MUOS satellites worldwide. Various accessories and kits enable the use of this item for portable, tactical and fixed/large platform applications. We are happy to...

        Smart Spider (R) Antenna, model UC-3004-581R (Rev E)
        Price: $1,346.25
        Availability: Approx 3-4 Weeks
        Item #: UC-3004-581R -

          Typical Leadtime: Stock to 4 weeks ARO UC-3004-581R Data SmartSpider® Antenna Description Smart Spider® Antenna model UC-3004-581R is a Patented, lightweight, tactical, low observable, compact UHF Satcom-On-The-Move Active X-Wing antenna system. It enables dismounted UHF Satcom and IBS/CIB reception, while dynamically engaged in operations. In other words, this SOTM Antenna enables infantry & special operations without a pause. The Smart Spider® is a great tool for the...

          TacSat Antenna, model UC-3004-481R
          Price: $628.25
          Availability: approx. 3-4 weeks
          Item #: UC-3004-481 -

            Leadtime: Stock to 2 weeks ARO UC-3004-481 Data Tacsat Antenna Description Tacsat Antenna model UC-3004-481 is a lightweight, low observable, compact UHF Satcom antenna system. The polarization of this Tactical X-Wing is Circular, intended for communications via UHF MUOS satellites (DAMA/IW/WCDMA). When used on its high gain mount, it can be utilized with UFO and earlier satellites. Its radiating elements are flexible and difficult to see at a distance, from any view angle. The small Tacsat...

            UC-1464-531 Amateur Satellite QFH Antenna
            Price: $280.25
            Availability: approx. 2 weeks
            Item #: UC-1464-531 -

              VHF Amateur Satellite Antenna description The UC-1464-531, +4dBic VHF Amateur Satellite Antenna is a Quadrifilar Helix Antenna (QFHA), measuring 16 cm/6" OD x 62 cm/24.5" H, designed to operate through Amateur Radio satellites without requiring an antenna rotator. The goal of this VHF QFH Antenna is to offer Radio Amateurs with space or community restrictions the ability to communicate via OSCAR series satellites. Ham satellites generally operate cross-band: you will generally need an UHF...

              UC-3004-531R UHF MILSATCOM QFH Antenna
              Price: $590.25
              Availability: Approx 3-4 Weeks
              Item #: UC-3004-531R -

                UHF Military Satcom QFH Antenna description The UC-3004-531R, +4 dBic UHF Military Satcom QFH Antenna is a Quadrifilar Helix Antenna (QFHA), measuring 10 cm/4" OD x 46 cm/18" H, designed to operate through UHF Military satellites (MilSat). Coverage is Omnidirectional, when mounted upright. The Axial Ratio of a QFHA is stable over a broader range of elevation angles when compared to an X-Wing/Turnstile or Egg-Beater radiating structures. This MILSATCOM QFH Antenna is thus well suited for...

                UHF Amateur Satellite Antenna
                Price: $156.25
                Availability: approx. 2 weeks
                Item #: UC-4364-328 -

                  UHF Amateur Satellite Antenna (QFH) An independent review of this antenna was published in the November 2008 issue of QST Magazine [Ford, Steve, WB8IMY, "SHORT TAKES: 70-cm Satellite Antenna", QST Magazine, November 2008, pg 72]. The UC-4364-328 is a compact Quadrifilar Helix Antenna (8 cm/3" OD x 16 cm/6" H) designed to operate through Amateur Radio satellites, without requiring an antenna rotator. The original goal of this product was to offer Amateurs with severe space or...

                  +4 dBic UC-4364-531 UHF Amateur Satellite QFH Antenna
                  Price: $182.25
                  Availability: Approx 7 days
                  Item #: UC-4364-531 -

                    Full-Size Amateur Radio Satellite QFH Antenna description The UC-4364-531 is a full-size Quadrifilar Helix Antenna (8 cm/3" OD x 30 cm/12" H) designed to operate through Amateur Radio satellites, without requiring an antenna rotator. The goal of this product is to offer Amateurs with space or community restrictions the ability to receive 70 cm HamSat signals, and communicate through orbiting repeaters (transponders). Ham satellites operate cross-band: you will generally need a VHF uplink...

                    UC-3004-381ARE-M5 X-Wing (Extended size)
                    Price: $517.25
                    Availability: Approx 3-4 Weeks
                    Item #: UC-3004-381 -

                      Leadtime: Stock to 4 weeks ARO UC-3004-381 Data UHF SATCOM Antenna Description (Mini, Midi and Full sizes) UHF SATCOM Antenna model UC-3004-381 is a lightweight, tactical, compact Turnstile/X-Wing antenna system. The polarization of this antenna is Circular (CP), intended for communications via MUOS satellites (DAMA/IW/WCDMA). This antenna is approximately half the size of a normal X-Wing antenna (Basic size version). However, it offers comparable gain to its full size counterpart. Its Mini...

                      UHF Flat Panel Surveillance Antenna
                      Price: $2,408.20
                      Availability: approx. 3-4 weeks
                      Item #: UL-150A-B348 -

                        EXPORT CONTROLS APPLICABLE Leadtime: 4 Weeks ARO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency range: 0.3-3.0 GHz Coverage: Broadside Polarization: Linear, Vertical or Horizontal, depending on mounting orientation Gain: -2 to +2 dBil Nominal Impedance: 50 ohm (RF), Open Circuit (DC) for extra bandwidth* VSWR: 3.0 Connector: SMA, Female Size: 61 cm (24") x 31 cm (12") x 1 cm (.4") NOTES: Does not require a ground plane * We can provide this antenna with a DC Short Circuit impedance to provide limited ESD...

                        VL-5201-383 Omni Antenna, 6 meter
                        Price: $285.24
                        Availability: Out of Stock
                        Item #: UL-3001-383 -

                          The UL-3001-383 is a full-size, omnidirectional Line-Of-Sight (LOS) and SATCOM antenna covering the VHF/UHF band spanning from 225 MHz to 450 MHz. The internal radiating structure is naturally broadband and complementary, and no ground plane is needed or required for normal operation.The antenna is housed in a Fiberglass enclosure making it rugged and tolerant to challenging environments. Internally, the feedpoint is DC shunted (short circuit) and electrically grounded (if mounted onto a...